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Web Services 1.3

Schema: NewUserRegistration

Used by anonymous users to create new User Registrations. Successful response should normally be followed by signing in to ClickBook with the email address and password supplied by the user.


Allowed Actions:
Create Only


inp-firstname --- Y
inp-lastname --- Y
inp-telfixed --- N,Y
inp-telmobile --- N
inp-emailaddress1 --- E,Y
inp-emailaddress2 --- E,Y
inp-password1 --- P,Y
inp-password2 --- P,Y
inp-agreeterms --- T,Y
inp-timezone --- Y,X
inp-country --- O,Y

Key to Schema Item Flags

Y - Mandatory
T - True/False value
M - Multiple Values (list of values can be posted)
O - List of static options to select from
N - Numeric field
D - Date Field
Z - Does not get stored
A - Text Area
P - Password field
E - Email Address field
X - TimeZone field
V - Visible (read only - used in special cases to indicate that an item should not be displayed in the UI).

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